Do You REALLY Have to Be Rich to Travel The World? — PART 1

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For many people, traveling is the ultimate state of relaxation, joy and eventually, inspiration. With travelling happening four to six times in a year for the average person, we desperately want to set the bar higher and enjoy our lives more.

As much as the desire for new adventure rises, the same old issue shows up again for many people, thinking:

“I simply don’t have the money or time to travel.”

From the start, people are positioning travel as an expense. This is wrong in many ways…Why?

You certainly don’t have to be rich to travel! In fact, the majority of people who changed their lifestyles to traveling nomads have a history making over $30,000 a year. So, what is the point?

Making priorities is the point. For people who think that travel should happen only two or three times a year, it certainly is not an issue. However, the main problem in the whole idea of being rich to travel comes with people who want to travel – and feel like they have chains locked to their office desks.

The truth is, as long as you prioritize your work over the travel opportunities, you will end up saying you don’t have money to travel.

So, how can you escape the comfort zone of your regular boring job and start experiencing traveling in its real light?

Start traveling without a reason to spend money!

Without thinking of your next meal or your next Coke, you should be traveling to gain new knowledge of the world that surrounds us. Backpacking, hitchhiking, couchsurfing … There are many ways to escape the big costs and devote to being a real digital nomad.

Obviously, you would need to rely on a decent income in order to keep yourself motivated and going in your new lifestyle. Working from home, freelancing, or simply creating a profitable network are solutions that are easier said than done. I get it, but they are achievable with the right attitude and “tool box”?


Stay tuned for the PART 2 and 3 of the Do You REALLY Have to Be Rich to Travel the World? series! Get to know traveling tips, ideas, and ways to earn money abroad and online!

Change the way you live and find your real inner self. Devote your life to something meaningful and to positive energy everywhere you go!

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